2. Register ESP as Your MDM Server

First, you will need to tell Apple, ESP MDM is your MDM Server.  Please proceed the following step by step:


**For non-DEP, please skip this and go to “Step 4 – Setup VPP” directly

  1. Download ESP Public Key here
  2. Register ESP as your MDM Server in ASM
    1. Login to http://school.apple.com
    2. Select Click on Login User’s name  and select “Preference” 
    3. Tab  + in Your MDM Servers
    4. Type ESP MDM as the Name of the Server
    5. Upload ESP Public Key (Downloaded in Step 1 above) in Upload file
    6. Tap Save
    7. (on the top of the MDM server) please tap Download Token *This is essential for later setup
    8. The MDM Server is setup successfully
  3. Done!!!  You can now proceed to “Step 3 – Setup DEP”