FAQ Category: Admin Console (iOS)

How to Create an Icon with URL?

First create a profile with web clip : Go to Profile > Create New > Web Clip Provide Profile Name, and tab + New Configuration button Select Web Clip from the drop-down Provide Label, URL and Icon Image Tab Save button Then, push onto target devices : Select target group of devices in device management  Devices > Device Management Bulk Actions > Settings > Install Profiles Confirm the group of devices

MDM Cert Expired

On the dashboard, you may notice an alert indicating MDM Cert Expired.  This is not the ESP MDM license.  It is our ESP MDM service at Apple. If MDM Cert Expired, you need to wipe the device and re-enroll the MDM certificate.

How to check my school’s license status? ESP MDM License Page and Reminder

If ESP MDM license terms is soon to expire, a reminder will appear on the top bar as below.  Please take action to renew at your convenience. The page details the license summary and subscription history. “Settings”  > “ESP MDM License”

Release VS Edit MDM Server devices in ASM

Release from Organisation According to Apple, releasing devices is applicable to devices will no longer in DEP. For example, device lost, permanently damaged, or students graduates or leave schools for new study life. After released, if the devices need to be added into DEP again, then this can be done via Apple Configurator. Reference:Release devices…
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What is DEP?

DEP stands for Device Enrolment Program is Apple’s approach to automate device enrolment process. The benefits are automatic MDM installation and lock MDM on the device. The difference between DEP and non-DEP devices can be summarised as below: DEP Non-DEP (Just Supervise) Preparation Require Apple Education Reseller to mark the devices as DEP none MDM…
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What If Some Apps are Unmanaged?

For those Apple Native Apps, e.g. Garage Band, iMovie, Clips, you will need to … Manually remove from the iPad. Purchase those Apple Native Apps from Apple School Manager with your VPP Account. Sync VPP App in ESP Admin Console. Install VPP App onto iPad. For other Apps, go to “Device” > “Device Management” >…
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School App Store

School App Store is a special app label for schools to push apps onto iPad and require students to trigger the download.  This is specially good for BYOD schools where students have to download and install apps before attending classes. In Admin Console Create an App Label and set apps into the label In the…
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Update Apps

We highly recommend you perform a regular check on Apps Update and take actions to update periodically. Check for App Update In Admin Console, go to App > App Management Check the far right column, and note the Outdated indicator Tap Outdated icon and a screen pops up Also, if Missing indicator is non-zero, tap Missing icon to check the devices list   Update…
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Push Apps onto iPads

In Admin Console, go to Devices > Device Management > Select the devices you want to push the apps to Normal Install Go to “Device” > “Device Management” If just need to install on 1 single device, find the device row, tab … Actions button on the left Select “Apps” > “Install Apps” from the flyout menu Select the app(s)…
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