Add Device to DEP via Apple Configurator

Add Device to DEP via Apple Configurator

*Prerequisites: (Please get the following items ready before proceed)

  1. Registered with Apple School Manager
  2. Non-DEP iPad devices are running iOS 11 or later
  3. Mac, Apple Configurator (2.15 or later) and Lightning-to-USB cable

Add Device to DEP in ASM

  1. Connect your iPad to a Mac
  2. Open the Apple Configurator
  3. Copy the device’s serial number in a temporary excel (You may copy it from Get Info via Apple Configurator)
  4. Click Prepare
    1. Select “Manual Configuration”
    2. Select “Add to Apple School Manager”
    3. Do not select “Activate and Complete Enrollment”
    4. Do not select “Enable Shared iPad”
    5. Click Next
  5. On “Enroll in MDM Server”, select your pre-defined “eSchoolPad MDM” server or create a new one as below:
    1. Go to ESP Admin Console
      1. Settings > School Info > Copy “Apple Configurator 2 (Enrollment URL)”
    2. Back to Apple Configurator  
      1. input the name “eSchoolPad MDM” > paste the URL just copy > click Next
      2. Click Next
  6. Input your Apple School Manager account (use the same Apple ID that you used to enrol in DEP)
  7. Choose “Generate a new supervision identity” > click Next
  8. Select the Setup steps > click Next
  9. On “Choose Network Profile”, import a WiFi profile or create a new one as below:
    1. Go to ESP admin console
      1. Click Profiles > Create New Profile > Select Wi-Fi
      2. On “Profiles Management”, locate the WiFi Profile just created, click ⋯ Actions > Download
    2. Go back to Apple Configurator
      1. Import the profile you just downloaded from ESP console
      2. Click Prepare
      3. This step may take a while, please wait until “Hello” displayed on iPad
  10. Assign the iPad in Apple School Manager
    1. Login to Apple School Manager ( 
    2. Click MDM Servers
      * You will see there should be “N” of Devices in “Devices Added by Apple Configurator 2” if the iPad successfully added into DEP
    3. Click Device Assignments
    4. Input the device serial number (from temporary excel)
    5. Perform Action > select “Assign to Server” > select “eSchoolPad MDM” > click Done

Almost there, just need few more click to sync DEP information with ESP system

Sync DEP Devices in ESP

  1. Go to ESP admin console
  2. Click DEP > DEP Devices > Update DEP
  3. The new iPad will be shown in the DEP device list

They are now DEP Device!!